domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2016

The new diet of points

This diet is one of the most requested by readers. No wonder: you choose what you want to eat and mounts your dish anywhere. The new version has only a change! Foods with trans fat – the worst of all – should be left out.
But they show the foods in which this enemy of the heart and love handles usually hide. Other than that, you’re still free to eat what you want and lose up to 4 kilos in a month – without starving!
Hamburger, mayonnaise, fries … With a diet of points, you lose weight eating everything. Oops, provided you have no trans fat. It is the first time that this weight loss system – a top seller of diets for more than 30 years in the list of the most followed in Brazil – suggests closing the mouth to one type of food. And there is good reason for this.
The trans more fattening than other fats, especially in the abdomen. So look on the bright side. Without this enemy, can you dry even faster tummy.
In the new diet, the exchange of bread and refined pasta for the full version also was strengthened. “Because they are high in fiber, whole foods increase the feeling of fullness. And that helps control the points,” explains Monica Beyruti, nutritionist Clinic Alfredo Halpern, in São Paulo.
But you need not feel forced to give up the French roll or white rice. In the diet of points, the extra step still lose weight in a pleasurable way. Then prepare the calculator and see the food tables to set up your dish as, anywhere – at home, in fast food in the cafeteria, in kilo … and stay lean without sacrifice!
How it works
Instead of calories in this diet you add points (each point is worth 3.6 calories). Thus, it is free of a ready menu by placing the dish only what you like. Of course it has a limit. To dry up to 4 kilos in a month, you are entitled to consume 320 points (or almost 1200 calories) per day. To avoid losing the bills, keep the tables on the following pages are always around.
Ideally book between 160 and 176 points (ie between 50% and 60% of the total allowed) for carbohydrates (breads, pastas, cereals – whole, preferably -, fruits and vegetables). Since proteins (meat, milk, cheese, yogurt – especially thin versions – and grains) should amount to between 33 and 50 (which equals 10% to 15% of total) and fats (oil, olive oil, butter and nuts) to 96 points (30% of the daily total). Just do not forget that fat has built in various foods.
Tips for your diet to work
Make a food diary, writing down everything they ate. Add up the points after lunch and before dinner. So you have no idea as yet entitled to consume.
At main meals, cash 15 points of spice used in the preparation of food.
If frying, multiply the points indicated in the table by 3. And 4 in the case of breaded or breaded. Example: a grilled steak has 56 points and breaded 224.
Exceeded the quota? Compensate, eating less at the next meal.
Eat a good plate of salad before the main. It is healthy and keeps you overdo the more caloric foods, or better, with many points.
Eat every three hours. In addition to maintaining the most active metabolism – important to burn the accumulated fat – you get less ravenous at the next meal.
Chew several times each mouthful of food.
Avoid too much fluid in the meal. Drink no more than a small cup.
It stir. This accelerates the result of diet.


Protein diet: wipes 7 kilos in 14 days

There’s a new light at the end of the tunnel for women who want to wipe grease and failed to succeed with any weight loss program. After years studying every nuance of protein diets, obesity expert George L. Blackburn, Harvard University, USA, gave its approval to a rereading of this method, which uses basically protein supplements not produced by body and therefore seen as essential.
This way, the American food program was adapted by homeopath Marcia Jablonka Kelman and the nutritionist Leticia Okamoto, both clinical Biodiet in Sao Paulo. “Our plan, called diet of high biological value protein meets the dietary habits of the Brazilian,” says Leticia.
Carbohydrates, banned in most protein diets are our primary fuel. Without them, the body goes into ketosis process, that is, consume the fat stores for energy. Hence the weight loss.
The problem is that this type of program causes depression, dizziness, and even memory lapses. Far less radical than the original, created by dr. Atkins, the diet of high biological value protein reduces carbohydrate intake rather than abolish them simply, as well as limiting the consumption of fats in place of the free pass. And – this is the main point – favors the proteins of the meat, egg (especially clear), dairy products and especially whey protein – extracted supplement of whey, which offers a high biological value protein, ie , easily absorbed.
One of the reasons this diet protein is betting on the thermogenic effect, which speeds metabolism. It is that our body has a 30% greater difficulty to digest protein than to process fats and carbohydrates. And it accelerates the burning of stored fats.
They also prolong the feeling of satiety, give firmness to the skin, help maintain lean body mass (or increase muscle, if you do exercise with weight). Conclusion: more than toasting a lot of calories, proteins avoid the plateau effect, wherein the weight loss after a park time.
But the dose should be controlled. “The new diet concentrates the protein in a quantity that does not overload the kidneys and causes no side effects such as hair loss, anemia and fainting, among others. And it is beneficial especially for people who do not respond to low-calorie weight loss programs,” says Marcia.
Reinforcing: the protein should be lean! That is why you will find whey protein often on the menu. “This supplement has less fat than red meat and chicken,” says Leticia. But it is clear: in general steaks are welcome in the diet because are full of protein friends of lean body.
But even lean cuts carry saturated fat. By privileging the consumption of whey protein, you away from this ingredient, which is particularly harmful to the heart.

GH diet: lose 4 kg in 30 days with growth hormone

What avocado and almond have to do with GH? They are rich in antioxidants and good fat and, therefore, are high on the list of foods allies of growth hormone.
Responsible for the development of bones and tissues (nerves, skin and muscle fibers), GH is important in childhood and adolescence, when it reaches peak production. In adulthood, he continues with noble functions: ” It is important for burning fat and preserving lean mass, ” explains Amilton Macedo, expert dermatologist in orthomolecular practice for weight loss, of.
From the age of 25, however, the levels begin to drop, reaching 1/3 of production at age 30, especially if you exaggerate in carbohydrates and is sedentary. The losses appear as sagging and extra centimeters in waist circumference. But it’s not hard to change this story: small adjustments on the menu may be enough to stimulate the hormone, which helps keep your body firm and fit.
Our suggestion: follow the diet devised by nutritionist Leandra Veneziani Freire, also from São Paulo. The menu combines moderate carbohydrate moieties (where the complex – i.e., high-fiber) with more whimsical thin portions of protein and fat good. ” The goal is to reduce the glycemic load meals to maintain the levels of the hormone insulin under control.
In excess in the body, it can interfere not only in production but also in GH action, ” says nutritionist. What do you get it? Oops, you lose! At least 4 kilos in 30 days.
More lean protein and good fat
All meals (from breakfast until dinner) include foods that stimulate growth hormone. Can you lose 4 kilos in 30 days – or more, if you associate exercise to diet


Diet to dry localized fat

According to Caroline, diet to dry the stomach should be focused on any other weight loss, but with the inclusion of certain foods that facilitate the removal of localized fat.
“Power must be balanced and varied. Meals should contain protein, complex carbohydrates, mono and polyunsaturated fats and vegetables and assorted vegetables, “he says.
Food-key to eliminating fat
It is important to include in the diet foods rich in fiber, as they promote greater satiety, preventing binge eating. “They must be consumed with plenty of water, otherwise it can cause constipation,” says the nutritionist.
Apart from this function, the nutritionist Kelly Balieiro, Femme Women’s Laboratory explains that the insoluble fibers – those that are not digested by the body – act as a sort of sponge in the stomach, sucking the fat eaten in the meal and removing it along with the feces. “The body just not absorbing fat consumed thanks to these fibers, which contribute greatly to the weight loss”
To increase fiber intake, bet on leafy vegetables, raw vegetables such as carrots and beets, fruits and whole grains.
In addition to fibers, the thermogenic foods are also great allies. Caroline indicates the consumption of ginger and green tea, which enhance fat loss. “The pepper and cinnamon are also thermogenic, but as it is very difficult to consume the necessary amount of these foods to produce some effect, are not recommended for this purpose,” he says.
Another nutritionist tip is consuming natural juices. “The biggest benefit of them is not ‘dry the belly’ but to provide nutrients to meet the body’s needs, and assist in fluid intake,” says the expert. “A well-nourished body will have everything you need to eliminate excess fats naturally,” he adds.
What to avoid
Soft drinks, fried foods and sweets have high calorie and very few nutrients and therefore contribute to the accumulation of fat in the belly. Prefer grilled dishes, baked or cooked fruit for dessert and natural juices.
Swelling or fat?
Caroline also states that it is possible to confuse water retention with excess abdominal fat. “The more pronounced swelling is the result of a disorderly diet with excess sodium and low fluid intake,” he says. To combat the problem, avoid consuming processed foods and soft drinks and put too much salt in food. It also seeks to consume plenty of water and exercising regularly, which helps eliminate excess body fluids.


Turbocharge Your detox diet

Acidulants, sweeteners and artificial coloring in snack foods; hormones in meats and processed salts ready spices do not leave the body as easily as you think. Accumulated in the liver, these substances are unable to be absorbed and overload the liver and intestinal work, causing headache, irritation, skin problems and allergies. Detoxifying diets try to send out these toxic elements, but should not be any meal to achieve those goals, experts warn.
With juices that mix fruits and vegetables, detox diets benefit much more gut than the liver, the body that accumulates toxins from processed foods, according to nutritionist Simone Biesek, teacher coordinator of the course Nutrition Unibrasil. “Today people no longer have a gut that works so well because of poor diet, and these diets include fibers that help in elimination. For the liver to be benefited, a week of detox juices is not enough, we need an overall reduction in processed foods, less alcohol, fried foods and trans fats, “she says.
Still include pineapple, cabbage, ginger and green tea, some of the main representatives of diets, the daily meals, accelerates metabolism and heart rate, causing a feeling of wellness in the body. “The most famous detox juices are green tea base and coconut water, and when we add cabbage, let it typically detoxifying. Still, the juices do not reach normally the caloric potential of a meal and should not be substitutes, but should accompany lunch or dinner, “adds nutritionist and healty in Nutrition and Dietetics from TECPUC, Silvia Spinelli.
Physical consequences
The excess of these intoxicating elements can cause damage to the body. According to Nutritionist Hospital Our Lady of Grace, Camila Caroline Przepiura, symptoms such as headaches and irritability can mean more than a little sick. “There are also cases of dermatitis and hives that are related to the accumulation of these xenobiotic substances, compounds that should not be present in the body,” he says.



When you make a fad diet, you will probably eat fewer calories and this will cause your metabolism to slow down.
Our metabolism as I said in other articles and I will repeat to you internalize learning, it is like a fire that has to be burning over high heat.
If you eat fewer calories or bad foods it will fall and every diet that is done he falls increasingly, preventing you to lose weight and stay thin to medium and long term.
Then you will win everything you lost and even a little, eating poorly and counting the calories from the food you eat (which frankly is very boring, does not it? Lol).
Did you know that the average weight gain after doing a fad diet is about 4kg to 5kg? That’s it! It really is a frightening number! In addition to the frustration of feeling the weight back, you still earn more and this is discouraging.
You’ll be amazed by what I say, but the secret lies not only in nutrition. To lose weight once and healthily, you have to be aligned with the mind the purpose:
1) Weight loss for real or just at that moment?
Many students and patients want to lose weight fast for a wedding or for a TIMELY event. Is that really what you seek for your life? Would you want to feel good, be proud to look in the mirror and feel wonderful, ONLY in marriage or a party?
How good would you feel good EVERYDAY. Feel admired every day. Feel light every day. Wear that pair of jeans that you LOVE, and who lived in the bottom drawer.
Too good, huh? So my first tip is: Want to lose weight for real!
2) Choose the right one
Before deciding to walk the path of true weight loss and lose weight for good, choose the correct way to go. After all, the better you stride toward RUN RIGHT than in the wrong direction, you agree?
3) Consistency versus persistence
Understand that persistence is you always try to lose weight every Monday, and then re-feeding with processed foods and bad carbohydrates. In other words, they are being PERSISTENT but not consistent.
Another thing is you choose the RIGHT way, you want to walk, and NO MATTER what may appear on your way, you will always firm in his walk. Always with the goal in mind. Willing to win and become a thin woman, healthy and good about yourself.
So before you tread any path HAVE IN MIND these 3 tips. And also consider some additional information:
The road to weight loss does not depend on extremely hard to follow diets;
It can follow a healthy way to lose weight without great hardship;
There are some exercises more suitable for weight loss.
In addition, seek to live a life feeding the right way, removing bad food, bad carbs, processed, which damage your metabolism and focus on using foods that will cleanse, reset your metabolism, thus, you will find soon the path to a sustainable and permanent loss of weight.


10 tips for a healthy weight loss

Eat, eat, eat! For those who want to lose weight, the food does not come out of the head 24 hours a day.
What was a spontaneous act, shall be pre-determined. It explained: losing weight requires mealtimes, can not go running to the refrigerator at any time just to satisfy a mere will. Food is a source of pleasure, but first source of energy and nutrients to the body.
We agree, when it comes to diet or dietary discipline who does not twist the nose? Who does not think it will fall parachute in a concentration camp, where they will play the siren food tasteless?
Forget all that! Food tasteless and highly restricted means opposite path of healthy weight loss. That’s it. Before overjoyed’s good to know and be sure of what you want for you.
Lose weight for aesthetic just to get that dress that insists on staying or just to get into the pants of a year ago that had perfect fit makes follies are committed. Try it all. Days and days only eating salads. It is the green diet! Days and days drinking only juices. And diet of vitamin! Days in a row engulfing the same soup. What diet is that?
Emergency actions bring success? It depends on what is meant by success. If it means going to that party with the dream dress, congratulations! An advice? Get ready for what is coming. Do not panic if, next week, find it difficult to enter the same piece of clothing. Now, if you want to switch the power to have a healthier body, more willing and more beautiful, the talk is another.
There are no magic formulas. If you want a recipe to help you lose weight without secrets, physical activity! It will be good to be more willing, and fall, burn calories and improve fitness.
Lose weight slowly is discouraging because it does not see the results quickly? And what about the several failed attempts? How do you feel when you remember so many sacrifices?
Then, follow the 10 tips to lose weight healthily. And, of course, long lasting.
1. Do not rush. If you are overweight, ask yourself how long carries that excess. So to eliminate that day weight for the night?
2. gradually Correct your attitude towards food.
3. Do not delete from day to day that food that just thinking gives good water. In fact, never delete, but know when and how you can draw the milk.
4. Control anxiety. Find a distraction or a hobby that makes your attention deviate from food.
5. Stipulate time for meals.
6. Stop eating that sweet and replace it with the fruit of your choice.
7. Drink plenty, but muuuuuita water.
8. Let your colorful dish. Salads and vegetables should be present every day at lunch and dinner.
9. If anyone notice that is adopting new habits and ask if it’s the “regime”, send an audible “no”. Many people love sabotage the good intentions of others.
10. Trust you! Always have a positive attitude. Be determined and confident is more than half way to achieve your goal.


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